Clinical Support


The Neuropsychological Evaluation (NE) is an instrument of clinical analysis that aims at the detailed study of the following functions: cognitive or mechanisms that lead the individual to learn, practices that are the procedures in performing a motor, behavioral and emotional act.

Applied by neuropsychologists, NE provides parameters to diagnose losses or problems in the human being's ability to learn, move and relate, based on this diagnosis, therapeutic procedures and interventions can be established, thus developing a rehabilitation plan.


Psychopedagogy is a field of action in the areas of Health and Education that aims to understand the processes of human learning and the difficulties that the individual has in learning.

Using as a basis the interdisciplinarity of sciences such as psychology, pedagogy, medicine and neuroscience, the psychopedagogue builds therapeutic actions based on multidisciplinary clinical diagnoses in improving and rehabilitating the act of learning and relating.

Through instruments such as: interviews, observation of school material, writing and reading activities, calculation tests, assessment of cognitive functions, games, analysis of drawings and graphics, the psychopedagogue is able to formulate a diagnosis and propose a treatment together with a multidisciplinary team with professionals from related fields.


Mental processes and human behavior are the main objects of study in psychology, which are relevant elements in the learning process. The psychologist who works in the clinical area and also emphasizes the learning process, can through observation and diagnosis, interpret and propose a therapeutic intervention in order to improve efficiency in the educational act.

Another important aspect in psychological care is focused on vocational guidance that focuses on the skills assessed in the individual as competencies and skills that he has or needs to develop to play an appropriate professional role to his/her personal profile.