A topic that generates apprehension in all sectors of Brazil and the world, COVID19 can become an ENEM writing theme.
By Claudia Gummersbach
The planet feels the effects of coronavirus in all sectors: health, economy, education, among others. If you intend to provide ENEM, it is essential to know in depth all aspects that involve COVID19.
Tips: Access the news, videos, podcasts and raise the largest number of information on the subject.
Before starting, let's remember some concepts. In order to elaborate an argumentative dissertation, it is important to remember the meaning of each of these terms.
- Lecture it means talking about something, exposing a subject in a comprehensive and in-depth way.
- To argue it means presenting data, ideas, evidence that support a point of view on the topic, that is, defending a thesis.
The essay-argumentative text must talk about a topic from a critical point of view and, in addition, it is necessary to prove the validity of this position through well-founded argumentation.
Types of arguments:
- Argument by definition: Conceptualize the subject that you will write.
- Argument from authorities: is based on a quote from a trusted source, such as an expert on the subject being discussed.
- Argument by evidence (or by evidence): statistical data, research, notorious facts.
- Argument by comparison (or by analogy): establishes a relation of similarity or difference between the thesis defended and some other data, in order to prove its point of view.
- Argument for cause and consequence: to prove a thesis, you can look for the cause (the reasons, the why) and the consequence (the effects) relationships.
- Argument by illustration (or example): An example is always an element that brings strength to the defense of a point of view, since it is the best way to prove an opinion. Can be used: facts disclosed in the media, statistical data, fictitious situations.
- Argument by historical allusion: uses historical facts to support the argument.